Women’s Armor in the Automotive Fight

Too often the auto industry forgets who its biggest customer demographic really is (spoiler alert: it’s women!). We drive more, buy more, and somehow still end up paying more on vehicle purchases and repairs, and I’m here to level the playing field.

I spent years selling cars to learn how the auto industry makes its money, so I can now bring all of that back-end knowledge to your car buying experience. I’ll be with you every step of the way to ensure you are the top priority and keep pushy salespeople and tone-deaf dealerships from pulling the wool over your eyes.

Are Women Really Getting Ripped Off?

Studies are showing that yes, women are indeed being treated differently!

How Do I Know?

I set out to learn the industry so I could use the insider knowledge for your advantage.

Now What?

I have developed a process to help level the playing field, be it buying a car or finding a mechanic.