I Fight For You

“I know a guy”

Have you ever had a friend who always seems to “know a guy” for every problem you have? I have spent years developing a network of trusted industry insiders and building a database of dealerships and mechanics I would trust with my own vehicle so when you need someone in your area who works on your specific vehicle I can use my connections to find just who you need. If the best option is someone I haven’t worked with in the past I do an in depth vetting process before recommending you take your vehicle to them. It is my job to make sure they treat you with respect and do quality work.

I Do The Heavy Lifting

I’ve developed professional relationships with dealerships in which they understand I work for you and will defend your interests. They know I won’t tolerate them trying to hard sell one of my clients or trying to make ridiculous sales. Every client’s needs are different, thus I tailor my services specifically to what you need. Already know exactly which vehicle you want? Great! Let’s make sure you get a quality vehicle for a fair price. Have no idea what you want? That’s great too! I do all the leg work to narrow down what options fit your criteria best.

I discuss finance options with you to make sure I know your plan, then I ply my connections to find the best list of options for you. The majority of the interactions with the dealership over your purchase will go through me; you don’t need to worry about persistent salespeople hounding you at all hours of the day.

Once I’ve found a few good options, I’ll bring you in to drive and inspect the vehicles yourself. All you need to do is pick the one you like the best. When it comes time to negotiate I do all of the negotiation. I’m very familiar with the behind the scenes of dealerships sales and I know what’s fair and will not lead you into an outrageous sale. I’ve been on the other side of the desk and use that information to fight for you. At the end of it all, you simply decide on which vehicle you like best and sign the paperwork. No overwhelming research, no annoying salespeople, no intimating negotiation. With me in your corner you’ve got a fair fight.