5 Ways to Prevent Catalytic Converter Theft

We've already talked about what to do if your catalytic converter is stolen (make sure your insurance coverage is protecting you), but let's also get into some tips about how to avoid becoming a victim to converter theft in the first place.

First, figure out if your car is likely to be targeted. The vehicles most commonly hit are larger trucks and SUVs that are easy to crawl under, and hybrid vehicles. If your vehicle falls under that category, try etching your VIN and license place number into your converter. This will help track it down if it ends up in a pawn shop somewhere. You can also install anti-theft devices, such as a catalytic converter cage to deter thieves from making a quick grab. Also be sure to park in well-lit areas as much as possible, and try to keep your vehicle in sight of security cameras if there are any around. Thieves don't want eyes on them, so keeping your car visible will help. Read the article below to learn more tips about how to keep your converter on your car and out of thieves' hands.

5 ways to prevent catalytic converter theft


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